Come to Loi Nong to enjoin the spring boat racing
2/20/2024 10:24:56 AM
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 Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Le Truong Luu attended and cheered the participants
The 11th Huong Thuy traditional spring boat racing 2024 took place on the morning of February 18th (the 9th day of the first month in lunar year) at Loi Nong River (Thuy Phương Ward).
Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Le Truong Luu attended and cheered the participants

Nearly 400 participants from 9 racing teams gathered: Thuy Duong, Thuy Phuong, Thuy Thanh, Thuy Chau, Thuy Luong, Thuy Tan, Phu Bai, Thuy Phu, and Duong Hoa. The teams competed in 1 Cung race, 1 Pha race and 7 Tien races; among them, the Cung race and Pha race followed a 3-round, 6-turn format, while the Tien races followed a 2-round, 4-turn format.

This year, besides the enthusiastic supports to motivate teams like Thuy Duong, Thuy Tan, Phu Bai, and Thuy Chau to challenge the top 4 teams - Thuy Thanh, Thuy Phu, Thuy Luong, and Thuy Phuong, all eyes of the audience were on the performances of the newcomer Duong Hoa team, participating in this competition for the first time.

In addition to its significance for praying for favorable weather and abundant harvests, maintaining peace in the homeland, the organization of the racing event in Huong Thuy Town also aims to preserve and promote the local traditional sport.

With this goal in mind, after being held at Vuc River (of Thuy Phuong and Thuy Chau wards) and Nhu Y River (of Thuy Thanh commune), this year's race took place at Loi Nong River (Residential Group 6 of Thuy Phuong Ward). In the following years, the event venue could be organized in other communes or wards.

Some images from the 11th spring race on February 18th, 2024:

Chairman of the People's Committee of Huong Thuy Town, Mr.Nguyen Thanh Minh, beats the drum to kick off the race.

Take off 

Competing on the racetrack

Determined to reach the finish line.

Capsizing is always an exciting part of the race.

 Newcomer Duong Hoa receives much attention from the audience.

Smooth coordination.

The audience - an important factor in keeping the competition lively and successful.

 Loi Nong River became lively with the excitement of the race.