Provincial leaders work with Asian Development Bank
11/3/2023 8:05:22 AM
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At the meeting
On November 1, 2023, a delegation led by Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Thua Thien Hue province Hoang Hai Minh had a meeting with Mr. Shantanu Chakraborty, the country director of Asian Development Bank about green transport, planning and climate change.
At the meeting

Currently, there are 04 ADB-funded project carried out in Thua Thien Hue. They are city type II (green cities) development program - Thua Thien Hue sub-project; tourism infrastructure for comprehensive development in expanded Mekong sub-region - stage 2; Thua Thien Hue component project; technical support project entitled “Mo hinh do thi ky thuat so thong minh cho quy hoach khong gian do thi” (smart digital city for urban space planning) sponsored by ADB and Australian government; technical support project called “Ho tro va dong gop y kien cho viec cap nhat ke hoach hanh dong ung pho voi bien doi khi hau tinh Thua Thien Hue” (Supporting and contributing ideas for updating climate change action plan to adopt national strategy on climate change and green growth).

At present, Thua Thien Hue is applying for ADB capital to carry out the following projects i.e. developing Thua Thien Hue synthetic city adapting to climate change; technical support for determining coastal protection solution to develop coastal erosion prevention component; technical support for local green transport.

At the meeting, Thua Thien Hue and ADB assessed projects carried out in the province, exchanged as well as reached an agreement on scope, content, time and responsibility of units involving in projects to be organized in the coming time. 

To create favorable condition for “Phat trien do thi tong hop Thua Thien Hue thich ung bien doi khi hau” to be approved, Vice Chairman Hoang Hai Minh hoped that ADB would provide technical support in preparation for the project, the necessity and effectiveness; finance; conditions and criteria for ADB loans, etc.

For “Mo hinh do thi ky thuat so thong minh cho quy hoach khong gian do thi” (Smart digital technical city for urban space planning) project, Thua Thien Hue hoped to be considered and sponsored by ADB in coming stages.

Regards to green transport, Vietnam currently has no regulation or policies related to private investment in charging stations. At the same time, the province is making effort to develop E-boat on the Huong river for tourism development purpose. Therefore, Thua Thien Hue suggested ADB consider and support the province during research process.

Vice Chairman Hoang Hai Minh hoped that ADB would help the province determine scope and solutions to protect coastal region, make suggestion for coastal erosion prevention component in the coming time.