Provincial leaders offer incense to commemorate heroic martyrs on Vietnamese Communist Party establishment day
2/5/2024 7:57:58 AM
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On the occasion of the 94th establishment anniversary of Vietnam Communist Party (03/02/1930-03/02/2024), leaders of the Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People's Council, Provincial People's Committee, Vietnam Fatherland Front of Thua Thien Hue province, locals of Hue city offered flowers and incenses at Hue city martyr cemetery on February 2nd, 2024.

Member of Central Party Committee, Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of People's Council Le Truong Luu; Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Phan Ngoc Tho; Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Van Phuong; members of Standing Committee of Provincial Party Committee, Standing Committee of People's Council, Provincial People's Committee; leaders of Hue city, relevant departments and agencies; officers, Party members and locals attended the ceremony.

At the ceremony, Secretary of the Provincial People's Committee Le Truong Luu rang the bell at Hoa Binh tower bell, prayed for peace and success. In solemn atmosphere, delegates offered flower and incense; held a minute's silence to show their gratitude to the great merit of heroic martyrs who lost their lives for national liberation and unification. Heroic martyrs sacrificed and brought victory and pride to the entire Party, soldiers and people.

After having offered flower and incense at the memorial, delegates visited and burnt incense on martyrs' graves. The Party, authority and people of Thua Thien Hue province will forever remember and be grateful for heroic martyrs; promote national tradition; stay united and make further effort for a prosperous and developed country; determine to successfully implement Resolution No. 54 of the Politburo on developing Thua Thien Hue into a centrally-managed province.

Leaders of the province offer incense and pay tribute to heroic martyrs

On the same morning, a flower offering ceremony was held at Ho Chi Minh Museum by the Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People's Council, Provincial People's Committee, Vietnam Fatherland Front of Thua Thien Hue province and Hue city.

In a solemn atmosphere, leaders of Thua Thien Hue province and Hue city offered flower to President Ho Chi Minh and showed gratitude for the great merit of the beloved leader.

In 1930 spring, a conference was held to reunite and establish the Vietnamese Communist Party by President Ho Chi Minh. This ended the crisis in leadership and opened up a new chapter for Vietnamese revolution, a period of national independence and socialism.

Over the past 94 years, Vietnamese soldiers and people stayed united, determined, accomplished achievements and marked historical milestones thanks to the leadership of the Party and Uncle Ho. Victories gained in national revolution and innovation reaffirmed the role of Vietnam in world revolutionary movement as well as proved the scientific mindset and revolutionary bravery of the Vietnamese Communist Party.