
Thua Thien Hue and Grand Poitiers Urban Community (France) Sign Cooperation Agreement

4/20/2023 1:11:45 PM
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Vice Permanent Chairman Nguyen Thanh Binh and the leader of Grand Poitiers urban community (France) sign and hand over the cooperation agreement.
The 12th Vietnam - France Cooperation Conference themed "The driving force for sustainable and comprehensive recovery and development after the COVID-19 pandemic" was held in Hanoi city on April 15, 2023. At this conference, the joint statement was made. The standing member of the provincial Party Committee, Vice Permanent Chairman Nguyen Thanh Binh and the leaders of the Grand Poitiers urban community (France) signed and handed over the cooperation agreement.
Vice Permanent Chairman Nguyen Thanh Binh and the leader of Grand Poitiers urban community (France) sign and hand over the cooperation agreement.

It was clearly stated in the statement that the conference realized the importance of local cooperation in dealing with challenges faced in the development and taking chances.

The joint statement issued at the conference pointed out that environmental and climate changes are caused by human activities, reaffirming the determination to cooperate, based on the potential of experience exchanges in sustainable development, especially effective water management.

There is a need to quickly adapt to digital transformation, which is now becoming a big challenge for socio-economic transformation, affirming that the cooperation between Vietnamese and French localities can offer new effective actions and solutions to successfully lead the transformation, through sharing common perceptions, policies, and experiences of success and failure in the development of a digital ecosystem, digital economy, digital society, and smart city.  In this process, the priority is to improve the quality of public services and the business environment.

Challenges of urbanization for the sustainable development of cities and people's lives give people no choice but to develop sustainably. Therefore, it is necessary to promote projects based on a holistic approach and adapt to local conditions to ensure harmony and balance between modernity and tradition, heritage preservation, economic development, environmental protection, integration, and preservation of cultural identity.  This not only requires a long-term vision of urban planning and management but also solutions to encourage and mobilize different stakeholders, especially urban residents, to participate in the transition towards a greener, more sustainable stage.

Through discussions on forms of heritage conservation, cultural promotion, and tourism development, the localities of Vietnam and France, with diversity and richness in culture and heritage, have common interests and strengthen cooperation in formulating strategies for socio-economic development, green growth, and cultural industries associated with the conservation of tangible and intangible heritage. These are fields that the localities of the two countries are interested in. With current similarities and differences, they are great, and balanced, and have various fields for cooperation.

During the 12th Vietnam - France local cooperation conference held in Hanoi city, the leader of Hue city and Rennes city signed and handed over the cooperation agreement (photo below).