Location Tu Tuong Park Hue
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The 36th National Television Cup Cycling Tournament in Ho Chi Minh City 2024: Stages in Thua Thien Hue Province

📅Date: From April 13th to April 15th, 2024.

✅The National Cycling Tournament for the 36th Ho Chi Minh City Television Cup brings together 105 athletes from 15 teams.
✅After finishing stage 10 (Dong Hoi City - Hue City) on the noon of April 13th at Le Duan Street - in front of Phu Van Lau, on April 14th, cyclists will continue with stage 11 covering a distance of 42 km around Truong Tien Bridge - Phu Xuan Bridge; starting and finishing at No. 15 Le Loi Street, Hue City.
✅Following stage 11, athletes will proceed to compete in stage 12 (Hue City - Da Nang City) covering a distance of 109 km (crossing Phuoc Tuong Pass, Phu Gia Pass, Hai Van Pass) on April 15th.
✅This event is in celebration of the 49th anniversary of the Liberation of the South, National Reunification Day (April 30th, 1975 - April 30th, 2024), and International Labor Day on May 1st, commemorating the 134th birthday of President Ho Chi Minh (May 19th, 1890 - May 19th, 2024).