Hue tourism thrived during public holidays and the first 8 months of 2023
9/11/2023 7:49:20 AM
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Tourists visiting Thien Mu Pagoda - one of the famous destinations. Photo: Linh Chi
For the first 8 months of 2023, the tourism industry has made a rapid recovery with 1.6 times as many visitors to Hue as the figure for the same period last year. In particular, international visitor arrivals were estimated to reach 672,000 - a 9-fold increase year-on-year. Total revenue from tourism activities has been estimated at 4,600 billion VND, 1.6 times as high asin the same period last year.
Tourists visiting Thien Mu Pagoda - one of the famous destinations. Photo: Linh Chi

The number of tourists to Hue increased sharply during the National Independence Holiday (September 2nd). From September 1st to September 4th, 2023, the total number of visitors to Hue City was estimated at  over 90,000 (an increase of nearly 41% compared to the same period last year). Revenue from tourism services reached approximately 78 billion VND (a growth of 44.4%).

Staying visitors was estimated at over 36,500 (an increase of nearly 38% compared to last year's holiday), of which the figure for international visitors was nearly 10,700 (an increase of over 226%).

During the 4 days of the National Day holiday season, 158 flights to and from Phu Bai International Airport transported more than 24,500 passengers.

For the first 8 months of 2023, the tourism industry has made a rapid recovery with 1.6 times as many visitors to Hue as the figure for the same period last year. In particular, international visitor arrivals were estimated to reach 672,000 – a 9-fold increase year-on-year. Total revenue from tourism activities has been estimated at 4,600 billion VND, 1.6 times as high asin the same period last year.

By Huu Phuc