Tourists Guide to Book Tickets to Visit Hue Heritage Sites
Buy tickets anytime, anywhere, Convenient payment, Fast e-receipt export, Flexible ticket control… these are the conveniences for visitors in registering to visit Hue Heritage Site from the e-ticket system of the Hue Monuments Conservation Center.
Chọn thanh toán mã QR (ngân hàng nội địa) Choose to pay with QR code (Vietnamese banks)
Thanh toán (payment)
- Chọn thanh toán qua mã QR (ngân hàng nội địa)Choose to pay with QR code (Vietnamese banks)
- Chọn thanh toán tiền mặt hoặc thẻ ngân hàng (nếu mua tại quầy)Choose to pay cash or e-banking (if buying ticket at the counter)