
Resistance War against America (1954-1975)

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The movement of Tri Thien mountainous peoples at the same time as the general movement of the whole South; Thua Thien Hue National Liberation Front was also formed and issued a call to mark a new turning point of the revolution, strongly encouraging cadres, party members and people across the province, cadres to return to work in the plains and cities, as well as villages to rebuild revolutionary bases.


The American Empire, after taking the place of the French colonialists who dominated the South, aggressively carried out the plot to turn the South into a new colony and their military base in order to permanently divide our country. At the end of June 1954, the US brought Ngo Dinh Diem back as the Prime Minister of the "Republic of Vietnam".

Ngo Dinh Diem after coming to power, implemented a series of reactionary policies, violating the terms of the Geneva Agreements, strengthening military forces, and avenging the revolution.

Thua Thien Hue has Hue as the second political center in the South after Saigon, adjacent to the North. Therefore, in addition to the pseudo-government apparatus of Thua Thien province and Hue City, the Ngo Dinh Diem government also established in Hue a regional ruling apparatus (including provinces from Quang Tri to Binh Thuan and Central Highlands provinces). In addition, Ngo Dinh Diem's brother Ngo Dinh Thuc held the position of Archbishop of Hue. It can be said that Hue was “a second court” after Saigon under the direct direction of Ngo Dinh Can.

In Thua Thien Hue, the US - Diem focused on building and consolidating power to control the people, proceeding to destroy the revolutionary movement. They set up Correctional Centers in Thanh Tan (Phong Dien), and Thanh Noi (Hue), divided administrative areas, established new communes, strengthened military forces in Nam Giao, Phu Bai, Thuan An, Thua Luu, Tu Ha, Hoa My... At the hands of the tyrant Ngo Dinh Can, the Ngo Dinh Diem government implemented the policy of "report and destroy communism" in Thua Thien Hue very fiercely in order to destroy the roots of revolution in the people. The policy of "reporting and destroying communism" has caused great tension among the people. Every day, there are hundreds of people walking along the banks of the Huong River, O Lau River, Bo River, Nong River, Truoi River, Dai Giang River... searching for the bodies of relatives, or gathering in the districts to find information about relatives.

The brutality of the US-Diem government further pushed up the movement of our people's struggle.

Implementing the spirit of the 6th Central Conference, term II (July 1954), with the basic content of converting the armed struggle of the South Vietnamese people during the war into a political struggle for peace. Under the leadership of the Party, directly under the Provincial Party Committee of Thua Thien, the people of Thua Thien Hue have aroused a lively struggle movement from urban to rural areas to demand the implementation of the Geneva Agreements, anti-terrorist resistance fighters, and people's demand for democracy.

Some of the prominent movements of the period were the Peace of Intellectuals, the struggle of small merchants, the workers, and the political prisoners. In the districts, people constantly revolted, supported officials on duty, and fought for the implementation of the Geneva Agreements. Typically, the sieges of Fort Kim Doi called for puppet soldiers to return to the people of Quang Dien (August 2, 1954); surrounded the enemy to protect cadres who were organizing for the people to study politics in Phu Vang (November 7, 1954); surrounded The Chi Tay fort and arrested the chief of the fort.  in Phong Dien (October 31, 1954)... Most prominent is the movement to make the enemy build Thuan An dam, which takes place almost evenly throughout the districts in the province.

During the French resistance, the mountains were mostly free zones, but after the Geneva Agreements, the US-Diem government occupied them all and established a ruling apparatus. The whole mountainous region of Thua Thien Hue has 18 garrisons, and develops Protestantism in order to grasp the people, dividing the Kinh - Thuong people.

In November 1957, Thua Thien Provincial Party Committee met in Ap Rung hamlet, Thuong Long commune, West of Thua Thien Hue. The conference decided to build Thua Thien Hue mountainous area into a revolutionary base. Provincial Party Committee arranged officers from the plain, along with some officials who had patiently stayed in the hamlet. Under the leadership of the Party, the people quickly became enlightened, the movement of political struggle combined with the struggle of armed self-defense with rudimentary weapons has arisen in the mass movement.

In the midst of the revolutionary movement in the mountainous region of Thua Thien Hue, the light of Resolution 15 (1/1959) of the Central Committee of the Party (term II) on the Southern revolutionary line was transmitted to the Party Committee and people of the province. Provincial Party Committee urgently organized the study and implementation of Resolution 15 of the Central Committee. One of the strategic tasks of Resolution 15 is the opening of road 559 - Ho Chi Minh Road. The mountainous region of Thua Thien Hue with road 559 connecting the bloodstream with the whole country gradually became a solid revolutionary base for the delta.

After a period of implementation of the 15th Central Resolution, in February 1960, the Provincial Party Committee met and identified the situation in the delta and mountainous areas. Regarding the delta situation, the political struggle movement was raised such as against the law 10/59, against forcing people to go to the palace, against forcing into Catholicism, and exposing rice speculators... the struggle limited the enemy's destructive power.

The districts have started to deploy their stance in the border areas, conducting armed propaganda. Rural areas have begun to build up their population base.

In the mountainous region, the Provincial Party Committee advocated launching an uprising to master the mountainous region, and build a revolutionary base. Bringing officials down to the people, directly leading the fight face-to-face, fighting raids, terrorism, pillaging crops... Launching a youth movement to make weapons such as spikes, traps..., military training, training cadres of communes and squads, opening a class to train the insurgent masses...

The development of the mountain revolutionary movement made the puppet government very afraid, so they used many tricks to destroy the mountain movement such as: organizing special forces to search for traps, treasures, Truong Son road, starting the raids...

In October 1960, the enemy launched a large-scale operation, from 2-3 battalions, not allowing the people to harvest rice, they burned, and killed people... these crimes cause hatred and resentment to the people of the country. The time for rebellion has come.

Under the leadership of the Party, on the night of October 18, 1960, 15,000 compatriots of the PaCo, KaTu, Van Kieu, PaHy ethnic groups mutinied, carried out armed propaganda in Khe Tranh, rounded up the villains, and opened a trial on the spot, punishing the name of Vien Tu, the Chief of "Can Lao". More than 2000 people protest in Huong Lam, 2000 people protest in Phong Lam... everywhere in the mountainous area of Thua Thien Hue revolted, announced the abolition of the puppet government, and established a revolutionary government. The eighteen large and small enemy garrisons in the mountainous region were surrounded by the people and the armed forces. Before the strength of the movement, the enemy had to withdraw 15 positions, leaving only large garrisons such as A So, Khe Tre, Nam Dong. Many marches to regain the mountainous region were broken, the mountainous region of Thua Thien Hue was basically liberated.

The movement of Tri Thien mountainous peoples at the same time as the general movement of the whole South; Thua Thien Hue National Liberation Front was also formed and issued a call to mark a new turning point of the revolution, strongly encouraging cadres, party members and people across the province, cadres to return to work in the plains and cities, as well as villages to rebuild revolutionary bases.


Since 1961, facing the strong and overwhelming attack of the South Vietnamese militias, American imperialism, and its minions confused and quickly carried out the "special war", "using the Vietnamese to attack the Vietnamese". For Tri Thien Hue, they set up a line to prevent the revolution in mountainous roads and strategic corridors, the goal is to pacify the plain and then focus on regaining the mountainous region. These conspiracies and tricks, have caused us many difficulties in building revolutionary bases and movements in the delta. Faced with that situation, from April 21 to 26, 1961, the Thua Thien Hue Party Congress met at Con Hien hut, Ta Pat village, with 52 delegates attending the Congress. The main task of the Congress was to outline the direction of the people's leadership in the region to fight against the "strategic hamlet", quickly develop forces, advance from the forests and mountains to the plains, promote propaganda and armed activities, build a broad political base, resolutely win the people, gain the right to mastery, bring the revolutionary war to a new step, bring the revolutionary movement of the province to keep pace with the movement of the whole region and the whole South.

Implementing the Resolution of the Congress, in 1961, and 1962 the armed forces fought 37 battles, killed 154 people, and collected 37 guns of all kinds, sabotaging the hamlet strategy 37 times, killing 35 enemies. Many battles with great resonance created conditions for political struggle, leading to the development of the revolutionary movement. The enemy was forced to reduce military operations in the mountains and return to dealing with plains and cities. For the first time in many years, we have formed and built up a continuous position in all three strategic areas, forming a position to attack the enemy in the plain and the city.

With the victory of the revolution, the prestige of the National Liberation Front was more and more extensive among the people. The conflict between the people and the Ngo Dinh Diem family regime is getting deeper and deeper. The anti-Diem trend in Hue city led to the fierce struggle of the people of Hue City against Diem - Nhu in the summer of 1963.

On May 7, 1963, on the orders of Ngo Dinh Diem, the puppet police of Thua Thien Hue lowered the Buddhist flag on the day of Buddha's birthday. On the evening of May 7, 1963, a large number of people, mostly Buddhists, gathered in front of the provincial governor's palace to protest against delinquency. It was also the beginning of a united people's movement, taking to the streets publicly against the Ngo Dinh Diem government. The movement took place strongly for nearly 4 months with protesting, demonstrations, mass ceremonies before the prohibition of the authorities, prayers, and especially many voluntary martyr monks such as Venerable Thich Quang Duc, Venerable Thanh Tue, Venerable Thich Tieu Dieu... This political struggle movement, which took place on a large scale and was widely popular, gathered a large number of classes and circles in a political center, rioting the city, where the enemy considered it the safest. The struggle contributed to exposing the cruel face of the US-Diem regime to domestic and international public opinion, which was also the beginning of the urban struggle movement throughout the South.

After 1963, Thua Thien Hue Provincial Party Committee actively and urgently prepared all aspects to bring the movement to a new era, the era of breaking the grip, winning the people, bringing the delta movement to the political and military struggle, attacking the enemy with all three fields: political, military, and transportation.

In early 1964, the Standing Committee of Thua Thien Hue Provincial Party Committee advocated: "Promoting the strength of the masses with the support of the armed forces, taking advantage of the collapse of the Saigon government, organizing forces, advancing forcefully and evenly, disintegrating, paralyzing politics, ideology and organization, destroying strategic incubation, preparing practical equipment for breaking the enemy's grip". Implementing the above policy, the people of Thua Thien Hue started the Dong Khoi (Uprise Together) movement in 1964.

On July 6, 1964, the Dong Khoi movement began throughout the plains in the province. In the north of the province, the people of many communes rose up in coordination with the army and the armed task force to attack the enemy, destroy strategic hamlets, eliminate false authority, and declare the establishment of the National Liberation Front at the grassroots level and the people's self-government. The Dong Khoi movement opened a large liberated area including many communes: Phong Son, Phong An, Phong Thai, Phong Hoa, Phong Binh, Phong Chuong (Phong Dien), Phong Nhieu, Quang Thai (Quang Dien) and Huong Van, Huong Tho, Huong Ho, Huong Mai, Huong Thai, Huong Binh, Huong Thanh (Huong Tra). In the South, the armed forces coordinated with the people to attack and rebel to liberate Phu Da, Phu Ho communes and some villages of Vinh Phu, Vinh Thai, Phu Xuan, Phu Luong (Phu Vang); Loc An, Loc Tu (Phu Loc); many villages of Thuy Bang, Thuy Thanh and Thuy Phuong communes (Huong Thuy).

Along with the Dong Khoi movement in the countryside, the political struggle movement in Hue City also took place strongly. The movement of students in the form of demonstrations, seminars, and strikes against the "Vung Tau Charter", against the antidemocracy of Nguyen Khanh. The Buddhist movement protested, marching against the Charter of 16 August 1964. Small merchants of Dong Ba market, Ben Ngu market, An Cuu market also responded. Throughout Thua Thien province, districts and communes sent statements supporting the struggle stance of students, teachers and Hue classes.

Facing the strong development of the urban movement, first of all, Hue, the puppet government of Nguyen Khanh made concessions such as revoking the "Vung Tau Charter", and dissolving the Military Council.

Prominent in the Hue urban movement at this time was the establishment of the People's Council for national salvation on August 28, 1964, including most of the forces fighting against the dictatorship of Nguyen Khanh in Thua Thien Hue.

The Hue urban movement in 1964 in general, the National Salvation Council in particular, actively contributed to the loosening of the enemy's grip in the city, creating conditions for the Thua Thien Hue revolutionary movement to develop not only in the city but also in the countryside and delta.

From the end of November 1964 to May 1965, the army and people of Thua Thien Hue continuously promoted military and political struggle, maintained the liberated area in the mountainous and border areas, and expanded the ownership of the plain and coastal areas. During this period, the province liberated 76 villages, and 4 farms and gained 40,000 people.


Fierce attacks and uprisings by South Vietnamese militias put an end to the US. the imperialist strategy of “special war.” In early 1965, the US imperialists were forced to switch to the strategy of "joint warfare", bringing the American crusaders and vassals directly to carry out the war to invade the South.

In Thua Thien Hue, Phu Bai became the first base of the US expeditionary army to deploy the strategy of "joint warfare" in the two provinces of Tri - Thien.

On July 25, 1965, the Party Congress of Thua Thien province met in the mountains of Huong Tra district. The Congress outlined new directions and tasks to lead the people through difficulties and hardships, bravely confront US troops, dare to fight the United States and defeat the United States.

In April 1966, the Tri - Thien Hue Party Committee and Military Region was established by Major General Tran Van Quang as Secretary of the Party Committee and Commander of the Military Region. The mission of the Military Region is: “To destroy and disintegrate a large part of the puppet army, to destroy a part of the American army, to make every effort to prepare the city's political forces and armed forces for the planned general offensive and general uprising when conditions are met... Cut off the enemy's strategic roads, build our corridor, win in all aspects and create a new situation on the battlefield of Tri - Thien, coordinate well with other battlefields in all situations. ”

The meeting of Thua Thien Provincial Party Committee in June and December 1966 aimed to grasp and concretize the tasks of the Party Committee.

In Thua Thien Hue, the US extermination belts have been built around Phu Bai base, Dong Lam, Road 12, and Road 14. In November 1965, a military event of great significance to us was the people of two Phong Dien districts, Quang Dien, which defeat the US raid supported by an armored vehicle M.113. This was considered a preemptive battle for the "vehicle transport" tactics that the US used to raid the plain, especially our resistance area.

Entering the first half of 1966 in particular and 1966 in general, military activities continued to maintain their position, leading the revolutionary movement to overcome new challenges. The close coordination between the main troops, the local troops and the guerrillas of the communes defeated the US - puppet troops.

In order to expand the liberated area as a foothold for the revolutionary forces, from June 1966, the people of three communes of Quang Ninh, Quang Hoa and Quang Dai (Quang Dien) carried out the uprising together and liberation of some villages. The remaining villages, under the leadership of armed teams, persisted in fighting enemy counter-attacks, until November 1966 all three communes were completely liberated, creating an important area for the revolution, opening the position for all three regions and creating a place for the development of the movement in the following years.

Along with military activities, the people's political struggle movement in the plains, rural areas, and Hue City contributes to direct attacks on the US's "joint warfare" strategy.

The vibrant political struggle movement of Hue students in August 1965 with demonstrations, marches, radio broadcasts, and "sleepless nights" contributed to raising political consciousness among the people, helping the middle classes better understand the US aggression policy and the nature of the Saigon government's minions, creating favorable conditions for Hue to enter the political struggle throughout the summer of 1966.

On March 9, 1966, General Nguyen Chanh Thi - Commander of the I Corps and Commander of the I Tactical Region was dismissed. Seizing the opportunity of conflicting enemies, the people of all classes gathered in the streets to demand peace, oppose the war, and demand the overthrow of Thieu - Ky. All of Hue stood up, Buddhist monks and nuns protest, students quit school, small merchants quit selling, civil servants dismissed work, and the public held a boycott of the United States. The struggle formed a broad front, creating a violent coalition movement of anti-American action and henchmen between the working people and students with the I Division seceding from the Saigon puppet government.

The fierce struggle of the people's classes has pushed the enemy into a serious political crisis, the enemy does not control the city of Hue. Saigon authorities sent planes carrying two battalions of marines and parachutes to Da Nang to suppress the movement. In response to the Saigon government's suppression of the army in Da Nang, on April 5, 1966, the Hue Youth Union including 66 students, led by Nguyen Dac Xuan, was established. On April 8, a department set off to support Da Nang. Through May 1966, an organization called the Nguyen Dai Thuc Battalion was also founded by the patriotic teacher Ngo Kha, gathering anti-US forces - Thieu.

After the establishment of the Students' Union and the Nguyen Dai Thuc Battalion, the armed struggle spread to many classes of people, in turn, there appeared a number of organizations such as the Students' Union in response to the war, Civil servants against persecution, Teachers enlisting democracy, Schoolgirls rescuing...

After three years (1963 - 1966), the political struggle was completely nonviolent, by the summer of 1966, the struggle movement in Hue from political struggle to armed self-defense struggle, marking a new turning point of the movement in the common cause against the US and the Saigon government. The most important achievement of the exciting days against the US - Thieu in 1966 of the Hue people's classes was the practical rehearsal and preparation for the large-scale uprising just over a year later in the spring of 1968.

In the last six months of 1966, the armed forces, including local troops and guerrillas, actively resisted the pacification of the enemy, defended the liberated area, and mobilized the masses to break the grip.

Through 1967, the guerrilla warfare movement continued to grow strongly, contributing to the consolidation and expansion of the liberated and disputed areas. It was a year of many victories of the armed forces in the province: the victory of the 4th Battalion (K4) and Vinh Thai guerrillas (Phu Vang) defeated 6 enemy platoons that swept through the pacification, including three American advisors (1/1967); the guerrilla battle in Loi Nong village (Huong Thuy) defeated the enemy's sweep, protecting the village (2/1967); the battle of the 4th Battalion with the local army, Phu Vang guerrillas attacked Phu Thu district (2/1967); the battle to destroy the strategic hamlet of Duong Mong of the provincial army; the battle to destroy the US spy code base and smash the US helicopter airport in Phu Bai; the raid on Huong Giang hotel...

Along with the victory on the military front, the political struggle movement also made an important move, the Buddhist movement flourished, many Hue students escaped to the war zone, some stayed closely to the area, and secretly built the base.

At the end of 1967, the Politburo met and decided to conduct a general offensive and general uprising throughout the region. Hue battlefield is considered one of the two key battlefields (Saigon - Hue). The task is to practice the general offensive, to rebel simultaneously to capture Hue city, and towns, destroy and disintegrate the puppet army, liberate the countryside, establish the revolutionary government, and create conditions for a complete victory.

At Hue, at two o'clock on 31 January 1968, our artillery opened fire on the enemy bases for the start of a historic offensive. After 7 hours of fighting, by 9 o'clock on January 31, 1968, the National Liberation Front flag fluttered at the top of Phu Van Lau flagpole. Our army ruled the city for 26 days and nights. In the 26 days and nights of the insurgency, our troops destroyed an important part of the enemy's life force, crushed the headquarters, and broke the enemy's grip system from the province to the grassroots. On February 25, 1968, due to the imbalance of forces, our troops fighting in the city for a long time showed many difficulties, their superiors ordered to withdraw from the city, ending the Tet Offensive.

The victory of the offensive, the 68th Tet Offensive, contributed significantly to the defeat of the US local war, forcing it to de-escalate and change its war strategy. Our people, under the leadership of the Party, have promoted the victory of the Tet Offensive, carried out the "Fight to expel US and puppet government", liberated the South, and reunified the country.


After the Tet Offensive of 1968, the empire was forced to de-escalate the war, stop bombing the North and accept negotiations with the Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam at the Paris Conference. However, after becoming President of the United States, Nixon began to implement in Vietnam the strategy of "Vietnamization", implementing the policy of "using the Vietnamese to beat the Vietnamese" with American weapons and dollars, led by the United States, at the same time carrying out three types of wars: Civilization, strangulation and destruction to pacify the rural delta, in order to make the revolutionary forces lose their ground until weaken.

Thua Thien Hue is considered by the US to be one of the key battlefields for the three types of war mentioned above.

In Hue city and its district towns, the enemy carried out fierce terror, and at the same time controlled very tightly. In the delta countryside, the enemy concentrated forces to implement the plan of "rapid pacification" (from October 1968). In the mountains and forests, the enemy repeatedly launched large-scale and medium-scale operations, using rocket fire and B.52 launchers, and at the same time using chemical agents to clear trees, destroy crops, cut off our transportation routes, sabotage warehouses, and prevent reinforcements from the North.

Following the "rapid pacification" is the "special pacification", combined with the "Phoenix" plan and thousands of fierce sweeping operations. The Saigon government has controlled nearly the entire plain, prevented us in the border area and continuously raided our corridors, treasures and rear bases in the mountainous region.

Under the leadership of the Party establishments, the people bravely stood up and fought with the enemy, determined not to let the enemy carry out the plan of raking the people, capturing soldiers, as well as demanding to return to the old village when it was cornered into concentrated areas.

After a period of recovery and consolidation of forces, from mid1969, the struggle movement of the people of Hue city began to simmer again. The classes of small businesses, urban poor, young people, and students constantly fought against tax increases, conscription, democratic freedom, peace, terrorism, for an end to the war.

In parallel with the political struggle movement, by 1969, our main army had earned a victory. The western mountainous region of Thua Thien is strengthened, and the standing position of the armed forces and the treasure base are established.

On September 2/9/1969, 1969, President Ho Chi Minh passed away. The “In Memory of Uncle” movement is taking place everywhere in the province. Many people in the community of ethnic groups in the West of Tri Thien changed to Ho surname to remember his great merit.

In 1970,s, 1971, and 1972 our forces grew tremendously. The war situation in the South in general and in Tri Thien Hue battlefield in particular is increasingly beneficial for us. On the Tri Thien battlefield, besides the military victories, it is important to take the initiative on the battlefield such as in the battle of ABia (1969); Co Ca Va (A Luoi); the battle to destroy 7 pacifist delegations, launching a wave of evil destruction, dismantle and win people in the vicinity of Phong Hoa, Phong An communes (1969), Quang Hoa, Huong Van, Huong Thai communes; Three waves of enemy attacks in 1970, winning the battle of Route 9 - South Laos 1971, the strategic offensive in 1972... We promote political struggle, public struggle movements take place vigorously throughout the city. From March 3/1969 to November 11/1970 there were 25 large-scale and moderate street demonstrations.  hundreds of other struggles. In particular, the student movement flourished with a number of prominent movements such as: "Singing for my People"; printing and publishing newspapers "Student Voice", "Self-Determination"...

From May to December 1971, there were 66 public struggles on medium and large scales. In particular, many organized struggles led and mobilized 100,000 people participating with slogans: "Peace, national harmony"; "American withdrawal"; "Thieu must resign"...
By 1972, Provincial Party Standing Committee proposed a plan to "Actively take advantage of the opportunity, boldly move the city to the revolutionary peak of the masses in collaboration with the countryside, the district, and the towns to shake up the roots of the puppet government.

The strategic offensive in 1972 of the army and people of Thua Thien Hue, although not implementing the plan set out to liberate the homeland, was a leap of the revolution, creating a new situation to defeat the US strategy of "Vietnamization", contributing to the victory of the whole country and forcing the US to sign the Paris Agreement on Vietnam.


The struggle of the Thua Thien Hue militia in 1973, and 1974 for the implementation of the Agreement and anti-pacification encroachment contributed to creating conditions for the uprising in the spring of 1975.

By the end of 1974 and early 1975, comparisons of forces in the South changed rapidly in favor of the revolution. In October and December 1974, the Politburo and the Central Military Commission approved the strategic plan for the liberation of the South in the second half of 1975-1976. In addition to the above basic plan, Politburo also envisaged the plan: "If the time comes, immediately liberate the South in 1975".

On February 10, 1975, the Central Military Commission approved the 1975 plan of the Tri Thien Military Region with the basic content: "Gathering all forces of the Military Region and II Corps, taking advantage of the favorable time of 1975, accelerating the attack to destroy an important part of the enemy's vitality, basically defeating the enemy's pacification plan in Tri - Thien, winning 35,000 people in the countryside and delta, launching a political struggle in the city, hitting rear, destroying traffic; actively creating opportunities and being ready to forward to win big victories, including Hue liberation".

The general offensive and uprising of our troops and people in the South took place for nearly two months (from March 4 to April 30) with three major campaigns: the Central Highlands Campaign, the Hue-Da Nang campaign, and culminating in the historic Ho Chi Minh campaign against Saigon.

At 5:45 a.m. on March 8, 1975, in the southern wing of Hue, the guns of the 324th Division (II Corps) began to storm the enemy positions, opening the Hue - Da Nang campaign. And at 6:30 am on March 26, 1975, the 6th Infantry Regiment of the Military Region officially hoisted the 12m long, 8m wide South Vietnamese NLF flag to the top of the flagpole, marking the historical milestone of Thua Thien Hue completely liberated.

After 18 days and nights of fighting (from March 8 to March 26, 1975), the army and people of Thua Thien Hue completely liberated their homeland, smashed the strongest shield of the enemy in the North, failed the enemy's "Strategic Cluster Defense" plan in the central coastal provinces, contributed decisively to the victory of the Hue - Da Nang campaign, created the momentum for victory in the historic Ho Chi Minh campaign, completely liberated the South, and unified the Fatherland. The last war report on the Saigon army in Hue was briefed by UPI: “Today, March 26, 1975, the Vietnamese forces (Saigon troops) have actually given the ancient capital city of Hue to the communists. many sources said that the remaining units in Hue City have surrendered. ”

After the Hue - Da Nang campaign, the Ho Chi Minh campaign culminated in a historic victory on April 30, 1975, which was a milestone in the history of fighting against foreign invaders of the Vietnamese people, and at the same time one of the most resilient revolutionary struggles of the peoples in the world in the present day, as President Ho Chi Minh stated in his Testament:

“Our country will have the great honor of being a small country that bravely defeated the two great empires, France and the United States, and made a worthy contribution to the national liberation movement.”

After the South was completely liberated, the Fatherland united, and the people of Thua Thien Hue and the people of the country moved forward to build socialism.  

Geography of Thua Thien Hue - History Section