The emperor's mausoleum is located on a large flat hill. In the front is Dai Thien Tho mount, in the back are 7 mountains as the . To the left and right, there are 14 mountains on each side, namely "Ta Thanh Long" and "Huu Bach Ho".

The entire tomb is divided into three areas:
At the middle of the tomb locates the tomb of Emperor Minh Mang and Empress Thua Thien Cao. Passing the courtyard with rows of majestic stone statues and 7 levels of sacrifice is Buu Thanh at the top of the hill. Inside Buu Thanh, there are two stone tombs, in the form of a stone chamber, which are double buried according to the concept of "Can Khon, a union of virtues" - a beautiful image of happiness and fidelity.
To the right of the mausoleum is the place of worship with Minh Thanh Court as the center. Minh Thanh Court is used to worship the first Emperor and Empress. Minh Thanh means "brilliant perfection". There is also another explanation that is "completed tomorrow", because it is said that: "The ribs of this palace have not been painted and gilded and the carvings are simple" (according to L. Cadière). Inside Minh Thanh Court, in the past, there were many memorabilia associated with the war life of Emperor Gia Long such as belts, hats, and saddles.
To the left of the mausoleum is Bi Dinh, now there is only a large stele inscribed with the epitaph "Holy Duc Than Cong" of Emperor Minh Mang praising his father, carved delicately and sharply.
Following the paths along the grass and forest flowers, under the cool pine shade to visit the neighboring mausoleums. The most remarkable is Thien Tho Huu mausoleum of Emperess Thuan Thien Cao, located in a quiet but profound position. Gia Thanh Court is also an architectural work built according to the model of Minh Thanh Court, used to worship the woman who gave birth to the most talented king of the Nguyen Dynasty - Emperor Minh Mang.