Tomb of Minh Mang (Hieu Mausoleum)
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Minh Mang Tomb
Minh Mang Tomb, also known as Hieu Mausoleum (孝陵), is the resting place of the 2nd emperor under the Nguyen Dynasty - Emperor Minh Mang.
Minh Mang Tomb
Address: Huong Tho, Huong Tra, Thua Thien Hue
Status: Recognized by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage Site in 1993
Price: 150.000 VND/adult - Children: Free


Minh Mang Tomb, also known as Hieu Mausoleum (孝陵), is the resting place of the 2nd emperor under the Nguyen Dynasty - Emperor Minh Mang. The work was built by Emperor Thieu Tri - the son of Emperor Minh Mang, located on Cam Khe mountain, near Bang Lang junction, which is the confluence of two streams Huu Trach and Ta Trach forming the Perfume River, 12 km from Hue ancient capital. Currently, the site is located in Huong Tho commune, Huong Tra town, Thua Thien Hue.


April 1840: The emperor changed the name of Cam Khe mountain to Hieu Son and sent soldiers to survey the terrain, measure the land there and draw a map of the Mausoleum area.

September 1840: Adjusting the ground and building the La citadel around the area.

February 1841: After the death of Emperor Minh Mang, Emperor Thieu Tri succeeded to the throne and continued to build the mausoleum.

August 1841: Emperor Minh Mang official burial in Buu citadel.

1843: The mausoleum was completed according to the plan left by Emperor Minh Mang.


Minh Mang Tomb is an architectural complex of 40 large and small works, located on an area of airy hills, rivers, and lakes. The whole mausoleum is like a human body lying with its head on Kim Phung mountain, legs stretched out at the confluence of rivers in front, the two halves of Trung Minh lake like naturally surrendered arms.

The mausoleum has a depth, from Dai Hong Gate to the end of La Citadel, 700 meters apart. Although La citadel is high, it does not limit the view from the inside of the mausoleum to the beautiful mountains outside, the landscape silhouetted against Trung Minh lake looks like an ink painting.

Inside La citadel, the architectural works are arranged symmetrically, each pair through the main axis radiating the mausoleum. All are arranged in a strict, systematic order, expressing the personality and style of Emperor Minh Mang himself.

Buu citadel built in a circle denotes that the king is the sun, the supreme being who has the power to dominate the entire monarchy society.

In the front of the mausoleum, the architectural density is sparse and airy, the deeper you go, the more densely the architecture.

The contrasting architectural layout of the main works in the mausoleum gives it a necessary majesty of the mausoleum construction. However, at the edge, along the winding path around the two lakes and around the mausoleum, mixed with trees, there are small architectural works used for sightseeing such as: Dieu Ngu house, Nghenh Phong guard, Tuan Loc porch, Quan Lan department, Ta Hu Hoai... make the entire mausoleum complex majestic but still in harmony with nature and magnificent grace.


Today's master architects must also admire the wonderful plastic art of Minh Mang Tomb.

Besides a series of architectural works of high artistic and aesthetic value, there are nearly 600 crosswords carved with poems on Bi Dinh, Hien Duc Gate, Sung An and Minh Lau palaces which are also priceless masterpieces. It is a selective "poetry museum" of Vietnamese poetry in the early 19th century.

Route Guide:

It is only about 12km from Hue city, so it is not too difficult for tourists to find Minh Mang Tomb. You can choose to go by boat on the Perfume River while sightseeing and arriving at the mausoleum area.

Or visitors can also choose to go by road such as motorbike or car. The starting point starts from Huyen Tran Cong Chua street, you go to Minh Mang street, then take the turn to Tuan bridge. Next, go to 49th Street, keep going straight to reach Minh Mang Tomb.
