Rice noodles with grilled meat
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Bun Thit Nuong (Grilled pork noodle) is a highly popular Hue speciality dish. Despite the fact that this dish is popular all across the country, Hue is known for its unique style.


Bun Thit Nuong (Grilled pork noodle) is a highly popular Hue speciality dish. Despite the fact that this dish is popular all across the country, Hue is known for its unique style. It is particularly distinct because of the taste and method it is eaten with Hue peanut dipping sauce. From the oldest to the youngest generation in Hue, this traditional cuisine is loved and appreciated.


Bun Thit Nuong is made with simple components noodle, pork, peanut, vegetable, among others. The pork is thinly sliced and seasoned with fish sauce, black pepper, lemon grass and garlic. After marinating the meat for a few hours, it is grilled by little throughout the day to ensure that every customer can enjoy freshly grilled meat. The grilled meat has a nice even brown color, is not overly dry, and has the characteristic lemongrass flavor.

The distinctive sauce prepared from pork liver, peanuts, and sesame seeds is what sets this dish apart. All of the ingredients are heated together until a thick consistency is achieved. Instead of fish sauce, the flavor in Hue come alive when blended with a warm peanut sauce.

The grilled pork and rice noodles are served with a fresh vegetables. The fresh vegetable varies according to season and place, but the most common ingredients are pickled carrot and papaya, lettuce, bean sprouts, coriander. To add more taste, roasted peanuts are sprinkled on top.

Value of Culinary Heritage:

Hue grilled pork noodle is a great blend of flavorful grilled pork, noodle, fresh vegetable and nutty sauce. The contrast between the cool noodles and the hot pork in the unique sauce is amazing.


To enjoy the best of Bun Thit Nuong, go to the following locations:

– Huyen Anh restaurant –  52/11 Kim Long, Kim Long Ward, Hue city (Opening time: 9:00 AM – 09:00 PM)

– Tai Phu restaurant – 2 Dien Bien Phu Street, Vinh Ninh Ward, Hue city (Opening time: 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM)

– Lac Thien restaurant – 6 Dinh Tien Hoang Street, Hue city (Opening time: 8:00 AM – 10:30 PM)

– Hanh Restaurant, 11 Pho Duc Chinh Street, Hue City (Opening time: 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM)