
Thua Thien Hue in the Le So Dynasty

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After defeating the Ming invaders, King Le Thai To (Le Loi) sent important mandarins to the town of Thuan Hoa, organized to stabilize people's lives, increase immigration, reclaim and restore villages, and established new villages. The situation of Thuan Hoa was basically stable, but was still harassed by the Champa army. Since the death of King Le Thai To (1434), Champa's army repeatedly attacked Chau Hoa, in 1446 King Le Nhan Tong sent a large army to actively attack Champa in order to keep the land in peace.

During this period, the process of migration from the North into Thuan Hoa province continued, a series of new villages were established such as: Da Cam, Vinh Co (now Vinh An), Dam Bong (now Uu Diem), Phò Trach, Duong Long (Chi Long), Chanh Lo (Chanh Loc), An Trien (Hoa Vien), Huong Trien (Thanh Huong),  Vinh Ang (Vinh Xuong), Thanh Can, Trieu Son, Dia Linh, La Khe, Bao Vinh, Duc Buu, Duong Xuan, Hoai Lai, Pho Lai, Van Can, Son Tung, Hoa Lang, Trung Tuyen (Trung Dong), Dai Loc, Ke Mon, The Chi, Toan Vu (Thanh Cong), Binh Tri (Vinh Tri), Thai Duong, Hoa Huan, Ha Co (An Duong), Ke Chung (Ke Sung), Dong Duong, Vinh Hoai, Duy Son, Tan Chu, Nghi Giang, Diem Truong, Phung Chinh.

In 1466 King Le Thanh Tong organized administrative reforms into 13 Thua Tuyen throughout the country, including the Thua Tuyen Thuan Hoa; changed the Lo to Phu, Tran to Chau, Chuyen Van to Tri Huyen, Tuan Sat to Huyen Thua, Xa Quan to Xa Truong. Thua Tuyen Thuan Hoa is organized into Tan Binh consisting of 2 districts, 2 Chau and Trieu Phong consisting of 6 districts and 2 Chau. The land of Thua Thien Hue today belongs to 3 districts of Kim Tra, Dan Dien and Tu Vinh located in Trieu Phong.

In 1469, the Chiem Thanh army began a campaign to attack Hoa Chau, in September 9/1470, King Chiem Thanh was Ban Tra Toan commanded 10 troops and horse elephants attacked Chau Hoa. At the end of that year, King Le Thanh Tong personally conquered Chiem Thanh. After many battles, the Chiem army broke up, King Le Thanh Tong brought the army to the Bodhi capital of Chiem Thanh and captured Tra Toan to Dai Viet.

The southern pacification campaign of the Dai Viet militia under King Le Thanh Tong ended the threat of invading Hoa Chau by the Chiem Thanh army (1741). The land of Thua Thien Hue is no longer a borderline, but the border has reached the south of Binh Dinh. The army and the people have tried to restore and rebuild Thuan Hoa. In response to the immigration policy, some Southern soldiers returned with their families and relatives from the northern countryside, most of whom are Thanh Hoa and Nghe An, to exploit wasteland and devastated lands, people moved due to the war, established new hamlets in Thuan Hoa land.

According to the list in Hong Duc map prepared on April 6/4 Hong Duc 21 (1490), 3 districts in Thua Thien Hue today include: Kim Tra 22 villages, 20 villages, 3 Nguon, Dan Dien 60 villages, 14 villages, 4 books, 1 Nguon, Tu Vinh 69 villages, 4 Sach, 1 village.

After the Dai Viet people's triumph at Bo Dan in 1471, including the sacrifice and effort of the Thuan Hoa people, this land has enjoyed peace and stability for the past 50 years.

Geography of Thua Thien Hue - History Section
(Social Science Publishing House - 2005)