An Nhien Garden Vegetarian Restaurant
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A vegetarian restaurant in a lush garden area, airy and incredibly quiet, with a wide variety of processed foods and drinks, is not only excellent and healthy but also quite attractive.
Address: Tinh Lo 10, Phu Thuong Ward, Hue City
Opening Time: 7:00 AM - 9:00 PM


An Nhien Garden Vegetarian Restaurant is located on the land passed on by their Ancestors and descendants for more than 450 years. An Nhien Garden has an open area with a safe and sound atmosphere. Therefore, from the first steps into An Nhien Garden, you will feel a healthy and peaceful energy, because it is the energy of love accumulated over many lives.

The appearance of An Nhien Garden is like a sprout growing in the middle of that great forest rich in good traditions. Therefore, the flavor of An Nhien Garden always leaves a deep aftertaste, which is very profound for diners when once coming to this restaurant. 

The vegetarian dishes at An Nhien Garden are prepared based on the quintessential cuisine of Hue that transforms, decorate, breathe a little soul of youthfulness and freshness to create not only eye-catching and nutritious dishes, but also work of art that enter people's hearts. 

Coming to An Nhien Garden, diners are all surprised by a new concept of Vegetarian cuisine - not only delicious, healthy but also very beautiful.

Visitors have a chance to sit down with themselves, to be one with the mind, and for their loved ones to come along.

Coming to An Nhien Garden, diners can temporarily put aside the sorrow in the alley and enjoy a warm meal or a smoky coffee. Recharge yourself, stop worrying, and start living again to be ready to face the obstacles ahead of a lifetime. 

Welcome diners to have their meals at An Nhien restaurant.


Kham pha Hue
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