Ngu My Thanh Fishery Village Tourist Site
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On May 6, 2023, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee of Thua Thien Hue issued Decision No. 1007/QD-UBND on the recognition of Ngu My Thanh Fishery Village Tourist Site
Address: Ngu My Thanh village, Quang Loi commune, Quang Dien district, Thua Thien Hue province
Status: Recognized as a Community Tourist Site of Thua Thien Hue Province in 2023


More than 15km from Hue City, Ngu My Thanh Fishery Village tourist site in Ngu My Thanh fishing village, Quang Loi commune, Quang Dien district, Thua Thien Hue province is a new tourist destination of Thua Thien Hue province in recent years. The most famous here can be mentioned the fresco village and Ngu My Thanh Floating Market with the typical activities of the central river region.

Coming to Ngu My Thanh Fishery, visitors can participate in many activities with the people, experience water activities: treading, netting, pouring, net knitting, fishing.., experience a day as a farmer with the people, visit the mangrove forest,... At the point there are 05 narrators and guides for guests; there are signs explaining, explaining, and introducing tourist attractions and food services at homestays; At the waiting area, there is a counter to introduce and sell local products.

On May 6, 2023, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee of Thua Thien Hue issued Decision No. 1007/QD-UBND on the recognition of Ngu My Thanh Fishery Village Tourist Site, Ngu My Thanh village, Quang Loi commune, Quang Dien district, Thua Thien Hue province.

My Thanh community tourist destination meets 3/3 conditions for recognition of tourist destinations according to the provisions of the Law on Tourism 2017 including Having tourism resources and having defined boundaries on the topographic map confirmed by the competent authority. The rate of the map depends on the requirements of regional management and topography; Having the necessary infrastructure and services to serve tourists; Satisfying the conditions of security, order, social safety, and environmental protection.


Coming to the community tourist destination of My Thanh Fishery is to come to a peaceful village with the rural landscape of the fishing village of Tam Giang Lagoon; of the simple lifestyle, the back soul is still kept in the daily work of the people here: knitting nets, fishing with rudimentary fishing tools such as hooks, nets,... It is also the theme for the paintings that make up the brand of Ngu My Thanh Fishermen's Village - the first fresco village of Thua Thien Hue province.

My Thanh Fresco Village is formed from the Community Project conducted by the Center for Community Research and Development, Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, and the Fisheries Association of Thua Thien Hue province with the participation of a large number of artists and volunteers. They have decorated the old walls in the village into colorful paintings that fully represent the typical activities of the fishing village, reflecting daily life, recreating the lagoon scene with a nan boat, river, lotus pond, flower garden, scene of fishermen, shrimp... The frescoes such as hanging up for the village "new shirt" replace the monotonous walls, soften the roads and concrete fences in the village, and at the same time, contribute to introducing and promoting the image of My Thanh Fishery Lagoon with aquatic resources, contributing to promoting ecological tourism development, helping visitors understand more about the land and people here...

Ngu My Thanh Fishery Village used to be the filming destination of the reality TV show "Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, then Spring."

Ngu My Thanh is also home to a floating market, considered the most special place for trading and exchanging goods of Hue. Ngu My Thanh Floating Market usually starts from 4 to 7 hours daily, when it is still early in the morning, on a lagoon of hundreds of fishing boat fishermen in Ngu My Thanh village, Cu Lac village, and some surrounding areas after fishing here. After a night of throwing nets, and dropping nets, the results are aquatic products such as goby fish, rabbitfish, crescent grunter, shrimp, crab, eel... brought to the market to trade and buy, bustle a peaceful lagoon.

Coming to Ngu My Thanh Fishery village, visitors have the opportunity to visit the Tam Giang Lagoon Biological Display House (which displays the fishermen's fisheries and fishing gear of Tam Giang Lagoon); Visit the Tam Giang Lagoon system by boat (to discover the place known as the largest lagoon system in Southeast Asia); Experience being a fisherman (fishing, fishing...) very strange and attractive.

Experience Guide:

According to travel experience, the most ideal time to explore Ngu My Thanh fishing village is from February to October of the solar calendar, ie the time of the dry season. If you want to participate in outdoor activities or swimming here, you should travel between April and September to experience the cool water flowing through the flesh, and “wash away” the hot sun.

In terms of the time of day, Ngu My Thanh Fishery Village is said to be most beautiful in the early morning or late afternoon, especially from 4h30 to 6h30 am.

In the hustle and bustle of a river village with a familiar livelihood, visitors can feel the strange peace that comes from the jubilation of the floating market, from the endless fishing stories... then can't bear to leave when taking in the view of the vast sunrise and sunset here and watch the time flow through fingers.



Ngoc Bich