Phuoc Tich Ancient Village
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Phuoc Tich Ancient Village (Photo: Thanh Toan)
Phuoc Tich Ancient Village is one of the three most beautiful ancient villages in Vietnam, and also a "National Heritage Village" (recognized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in 2009).
Phuoc Tich Ancient Village (Photo: Thanh Toan)
Address: Pho Trach, Phong Dien Town, Phong Dien District, Thua Thien Hue Province
Status: Recognized as a National Heritage Village in 2009


One of the three most beautiful ancient villages in Vietnam, and also a "National Heritage Village" (recognized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in 2009), Phuoc Tich Ancient Village (in Phuoc Phu village, Phong Hoa commune, Phong Dien district, Thua Thien Hue province) is now an attractive tourist destination for domestic and foreign tourists to explore and experience.

40 km north of Hue city center, Phuoc Tich ancient village has the pristine beauty of a Vietnamese village. With a gentle and peaceful look that has been cultivated for more than 500 years from the legendary four-season blue O Lau river, surrounding the village, Phuoc Tich is like a typical countryside painting not only in the appearance of banyan trees, wharves, communal houses, etc., but also in the heritage and cultural sediments that people in Phuoc Tich have built up over generations.

According to historical records, Phuoc Tich was established in 1470 under King Le Thanh Tong, with an area of about 49 hectares. According to Le Quy Don's "Phu bien tap luc", at first the village was called Phuc Giang as a region near the river with many blessings. In the Tay Son period, Phuc Giang was changed to Hoang Giang, to remember the family that opened the village (Hoang is the name of the family that opened the village, Giang is the area close to the river). In Gia Long's lifetime, the village was renamed Phuoc Tich, as the wishes of the people accumulated blessings for their children and grandchildren.

With that desire, the generations of residents of the village have continued the creative working tradition of their ancestors to build for themselves a beautiful rural village with ancient cultural features, such as the architectural landscape of the village imbued with oriental philosophy, such as craft village culture, clan, neighborhood, faction and especially the system of communal houses, pagodas, temples, shrines, ancient houses.

According to the comment of architect Hoang Dao Kinh: "The structure and spatial organization of Phuoc Tich village can be considered typical for the rural residence model of the Vietnamese in the North Central region. It is an open structure with houses in garden. In Phuoc Tich, the architecture is old, but the surrounding landscape and gardens are very young and full of life."

Coming to Phuoc Tich Ancient Village, everyone will be immersed in the rich natural landscape, through your ingenuity with the harmony between human life and plants, between spiritual and material life. They all complement each other to create balance in life.


Phuoc Tich - the land of ancient houses

Hue has many famous villages for houses, but perhaps nowhere is the house as dense and beautiful as in Phuoc Tich. Currently, Phuoc Tich has nearly 40 ancient houses from 100-300 years old, located among gardens with thousands of square meters of trees. Twenty-four of these houses are people's houses, the rest are clan ancestral houses. 

In addition to the common features of the traditional house of Hue, the house in Phuoc Tich also has many very unique features. Under the talented hands of the carvers of the famous My Xuyen carpentry village nearby, parts of the house such as Vi Keo, Xuyen, Trach, Do, Lien Ba, Bang Khoa door... are carved extremely elaborately and subtly.

Long life village, green living

In addition to being famous for its landscape, ancient communal houses, Phuoc Tich village is also known as the oldest village in Hue. Coming to Phuoc Tich, it is not difficult to encounter three or four generations of families. Carrying the sediments of stories, relics associated with history, with the famous traditional pottery village, the people here preserve a green, fresh, smokeless and noiseless living environment. Phuoc Tich villagers always maintain a healthy lifestyle, exercise and sports, eat frugally...

Therefore, most people in Phuoc Tich village have a life expectancy of 80 to over 100 years old and maintain a younger body compared to their age. Not only that, people in the village from old to young have very few health problems and diseases.

Ancient village pioneered the application of digital technology

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VR-360 about Phuoc Tich Ancient Village

Phuoc Tich Ancient Village is the second village of Vietnam to be recognized as a national heritage village in 2009. After 09 years of being recognized, up to now, Phuoc Tich ancient village has made strong and comprehensive changes in all fields. The picture of tourism is increasingly professional, the system of material heritage is maintained and restored.
On September 09/09/2019, 2186/ Phuoc Tich Ancient Village was recognized as a tourist destination of Thua Thien Hue province according to Decision No. 2186/QD-UBND of the People's Committee of Thua Thien Hue province, facilitating the revival and promotion of cultural values of the most unique ancient village in Vietnam.

Currently, Phuoc Tich Tourism has 09 types of tourism services with 40 participants including: home visiting services, accommodation, cuisine, bicycles, guides, pottery shows, baking, cultural exchanges... The system of old houses has 11 households participating in welcoming visitors; 04 business households staying; 04 food service points. The services are mostly attentive, enthusiastic and hospitable, contributing to meeting the needs of exchange and understanding the local culture of visitors. Therefore, the image of Phuoc Tich tourism has been widely promoted

Experience Guide:

For more information, visitors can contact:

Management Board of architectural and artistic relics of Phuoc Tich ancient village

Address: 31 Pho Trach, Phong Dien Town, Phong Dien District, Thua Thien Hue Province

Phone: 02343.771055

