Vy Da Xua Coffee & Restaurant
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Vy Da Xua Coffee & Restaurant
Hue royal and rustic cuisine space
Vy Da Xua Coffee & Restaurant
Address: 131 Nguyen Sinh Cung, Hue City.
Opening Time: 06:30 - 22:00


Hue Ancient Capital, the culinary cradle of Vietnam, is famous for its unique variety of specialties.

In the journey to explore this city, Vy Da Xua Coffee Restaurant is an ideal stopover for visitors.

With the food space of Hue Royal Palace, Vy Da Xưa Coffee & Restaurant will make tourists remember forever. Here, visitors will enjoy meals with Hue flavor, creating a great culinary experience.Vy Da Xua Coffee & Restaurant becomes an attractive destination, where to discover and enjoy the unique flavor of Hue.

Experience Guide:

Vy Da Xua Coffee & Restaurant - Hue offers dishes that blend high and rustic with a perfect combination of royal and folk cuisine. Each dish at Vy Da Xua Restaurant is delicately prepared by the skillful hands of the chef with dedication and care in choosing ingredients, the process of preparing dishes, regardless of whether it is a complex dish or a simple dish of cuisine. As a result, each dish of Vy Da Xua restaurant is like a spirit and evokes the quintessence of Hue.
In addition, with the unique garden architecture, it is very suitable for those who want to drop their quiet soul in the green space or check in to stay with friends and relatives.

Those who love the exquisite simple cuisine of Hue dream come to Vy Da Cuong Coffee Restaurant! Surely the food and space here will make you fall in love.



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